Funny Quote #5912908
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ONE DIRECTION IS ANNOYING Every day again, i see one direction

Every day again, i see one direction quotes. It's stupid. 

Honestly, they CANNOT sing. Too many of you out there are like OMG 1D I LOVE YOU AHHH HAVE MY BABIES! Hoenstly, i could care less but stop with them.
I needed help afew days ago. People ignored it. Maybe a few helped me out. Like redskies. She was there to help me. Hoenstly, one direction is sickening. I hope they wipe off of the face of the planet. Who cares about Harry having whatever or harry getting sick. It's not like he's dying. So serously, cut the crap with it okay? I understand you're obbsessed. But that don't mean you can rant and cry about how you'll never marry Liam or Louis or Niall. WHO CARES ABOUT THE MINUTES THEY SING SOLOS. WHO CARES? Not me. 
One direction is like any other pop band. What makes them so special? That they are from britan? Or ireland? No. They are people. 
And guess what? They don't know you exist. So, stop trying to see them and stop ranting on that you didn't mean them. They just want fans. And you guys give them h im. Truthfully, Black Veil Brides is a band to look at. Their fans are DEVOTED and don't go OMG ANDY SIX, or JINXX, or Jake or CC or Ashley MARRY ME! They understand the music. 
What makes you beautiful ain't inspirational. It's just for you all to see that they WANT fans. They got them because you think that the song was for every girl suffering, truth was, it isn't. Black Veil Brides understand because they are different. Not like pop. And guess what? The singer dated a model. How different is that? One direction is just annoying. 


LipGlossRippedJeans21 1 decade ago
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loling at Cass101's comment.
And another thing about one direction, you cant even say they're inspirational because they didn't write most of their songs. They didn't write what makes you beautiful, I know that for a fact
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Elefuntheelephant 1 decade ago
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Right? Like, I love 1D but it's just annoying!

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rebecca* 1 decade ago
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Honestly I cannot stand when people call them talented.
What people don't get is that BVB is different. Just like My Chemical Romance is.
They are the types of bands with music that actually has meaning.
1D is just like any other pop artist.
You're my favorite person ever for making this by the way(:
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valisamazin 1 decade ago
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So what if people love One Direction? Everybody has their own opinion and you know what else is annoying.. all the hate quotes. Keep it to urself!
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TheOtherDirection 1 decade ago
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@ShutUpAndLookAtThis <---- you are awesome.

YOU may like Black viel watever but we don't
agree to disagree on muical tastes.
It's my OPINION against YOURS
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TheOtherDirection 1 decade ago
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I didn't even bother reading this because I have seen this SO many times but you could be nicer. If you were famous there would be tons of people treating you like that, thats just how it works. Life sucks, get over it.
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stovan 1 decade ago
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lol wow
i was going through the comments of this quote
'1d is better than any other bands there awesome great music and hot'
lmfao and hot
im dying of laughter, there are millions and billions of men hotter and have better music.
by the way i agree with you, so many 1d posts and quotes dont even let me see the real personality they have
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ShutUpAndLookAtThis 1 decade ago
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Dear F*cking Lord..
I'm starting to think that people think that their opinions are facts.
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WonderfulLove 1 decade ago
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vvv She isn't a hater.
That's your opinion but to her One Direction is an awful band and sh*t.
She isn't going to shut up.
Get over the fact that everyone has their own opinions. You just can't take the fact that 1D isn't as great as you thought.
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cass101 1 decade ago
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ur just a hater 1d is better than any other bands there awsome great music and hot so shut up thnx
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posted June 25, 2012 at 12:15pm UTC tagged with funny

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