Funny Quote #6474206
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If i die on my period Will i steel bleed?

If i die on my period
 Will i steel bleed?


lilmisslittle 1 decade ago
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I don't know actually
let me google this hold on

This is what I found:
Yes and no. I mean, all your muscles relax when you die, which causes some things that were being held inside to then flow outside, due to gravity--urine, poo, menstrual blood. Then your muscles clench up for like 48 hours (rigor mortis). This will act to push more stuff out. And then the muscles relax again and gradually break down and decompose. This means that when you die, you make a big mess. Funeral directors then clean it all up and wash you off to make the body presentable.
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NYX95 1 decade ago
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It is not easy being a woman........
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posted December 4, 2012 at 1:03pm UTC tagged with funny

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