Advice Quote #6828664
all quotes · advice · listen · depression · iloveyou · help ·

hey so i noticed how scary and awful a lot of my quotes from

hey so i noticed how scary and awful a lot of my quotes from the past year have been.
for a while i thought witty made me get worse.
but it didn'it was all me.

but if anyone saw all of those quotes and is struggling with similar problems, i want you guys to know that  even if you really dont want to recover or get help and feel alone, that it is totally possible to recover. I want all of you to get better because no one deserves any of that.
no one.

I love you all and if you ever need to talk about anything like seriously if you're happy that you got a good grade or a new lizard or you're upset you can just skip all that awkward stuff and talk to me. just pour your heart out I don't even care i'll listen.
Because i used to be so much worse and i thought my life would end with suicide and i thought no one cared about me. i hated myself so much but now i'm just that much better. I've learned to accept myself a bit more and I've only cut once since march. I'm so proud of myself and I want to help anyone i can.

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