Help Quote #6862254
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I don't know why but I can hardly bring myself to talk anymore

I don't know why but I can hardly bring myself to talk anymore unless it's with somebody I really know.
Let me explain a little.
I can't make new friends, and when I say I can't, I really mean that. If it's not somebody I've known for a while I can't talk to them.
Even in the slightest form it sends me into a freak out attack. I'll sweat really bad, get nervous, and start to shake slightly. I'll even get dizzy and have trouble walking/standing up.
I can't make phone calls to people I don't know. I can't talk to the cashiers or waiters when I go out.
I freak out.
I don't even know why. I feel like there's something wrong with me because I should be able too, but I can't.
And when it comes to do things in front of a class or in front of a group of people, it's even worse. I seriously cannot do it.
I don't know why and it's really starting to bother me. I'm constantly feeling judged even though I know those people don't care. And my mom is always telling me to 'just get over it and talk' or 'stop acting like a child and talk' but I really can't do it. I've tried but I always freeze or freak out.
It's not normal. I really want to know what's wrong with me.



Øipy* 1 decade ago
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Hi... You don't have to reply to this comment if you don't want to, but I think I kind of have the same problem like you. I mean, I still can't ask for my own meals in restaurants or to wherever I go. I think it's the absence of my confidence. Once, I went to have dinner with my Godmother and we had to ask for our food up in in the cashier. I freaked out, I asked her if she could do it instead and she said why I couldn't etc etc. She tried to force me then, and I don't know why but I started crying once she insisted. Obviously, she went to ask for herself and for me but I suddenly got all shaky and quivery. And again, I joined Witty Profiles since it makes me feel comfortable here, so I'm sure you can speak to anyone trust-worthy. I'm also here if you need me and we can talk about it. I think this might be all a phase, because I've been having this issue since I was 10. But we can work through this. :) x0x0
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rooftops* 1 decade ago
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I start crying when my mom wants me to do stuff as well. I understand! And I thought it was a phase too but it's to the point where it's so bad, I don't think it is anymore. :/ idk. and yes, we can :)
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posted August 18, 2013 at 5:08pm UTC tagged with help, thoughts, talking, away messages

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