Best Confide Quotes Today

                                                                                  March 25, 2013

Dear Friend,

I know what you're probably thinking. Yes, I did leave witty for a while but I just needed some space. Some time to sort things out. Some time to think and pray and get to know myself a little more because I am at that age where I am 'still trying to find' myself...whatever that means.
Lots has happend.
I'll start with talking about Kale who is the boy that I sort of like but was dating my best friend, Peyton. Yeah. Now he is dating another girl...lets call her Bri.
Bri is so gorgeous and nice, hilarious, witty and she is best friends with Peyton and Amelia.
They only started dating a few days ago but it hit me in the gut and I just...i feel so stupid and needy. I've never really even had a boyfriend...well if you don't could Landon who...wasn't really offically but we sort of acted like it...hard to explain. I'm not even sure if I understand what we were. But yeah. The thing and Kale were supposed to hang out today because we have morning church that goes untill 1:00 pm usually and then later at 6:30 pm we have Youth (Youth group used to be on thursdays but it got changed) so we were supposed to hang out until after Youth Group but then this morning at around 12 AM ... a snow storm hit and he couldn't come...I waited for him to come all during morning church and then he didn't show...I was so upset. It depressed me all day untill Youth group where I got to see my other friends, Collin, Amelia, Peyton, Bri and a few others. I still feel crumby although Kale did message me and said sorry and that he was so mad and he hated snow and blah. That made me feel a bit better.
Another extreamly wierd thing that happend to me today (although it didn't take me by surprise) was I got asked out again by the same guy that has liked me since he first saw me almost a year ago.. It'll be a year on Easter. Don't ask me how I remember that. Yeah. We will call him Eric. Our conversation (if you could call it that) went something like this :

Him: Hi, Lizzy!
Me: Hi.
Him: How are you?
Me: I could be better.
Him: What's wrong, Lizzy?
Me: Kale and I were supposed to hang out after church today but he couldn't make it...

At this point a mix of sadness and jealousy crossed his face although I didn't care. I know that is harsh but honestly I have no interest in this guy at all. I'm surprised he likes me though. I am not pretty or witty or even really nice to him...


Him: I see...
Me: Yeah....
Him: Well, if the weather isn't bad later I could come up early and maybe we could hang out.

He smiled looking expectant and being the mean girl that I am I just looked at him and awkwardly said :

"Talk to my Dad about it." and then I just akwardly walked away. 

I said this because my Dad is very strict and he wants to protect me. I admire him for doing so but It annoys me sometimes. I am very thankful for my Dad, though. I love him. He's my hero.

I told Collin and Landon about 20 minutes later about this. They found it amusing. I felt bad for gossiping but I just wanted to confide in someone. 

Anyways, after morning Church I went home, cuddled up in some blankets and watched 'Switched at Birth'
It's a TV drama series. It's quite good then after watching that I got up and got ready for Youth Group and then went there and hung out with everyone and yup.
Then I came home, read a bit and then I ate and watched two more episodes of 'Switched at Birth'.

Sorry that this was boring. I just needed to talk to someone and Wittians listen and understand.

10 more days untill my 14th birthday. I'm excited.

                                                                                                        Love always,
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