Contest_story Quotes

I fell in Love With Mickey Mouse


Chapter # 47
Pressure beyond belief, 

But, was only a painful reminder of Michael. No, I wouldn't do this again. I wouldn't miss him, and I certainly wouldn't worry about him. I tighlty held Roger's arm and took a deep breath. I tried to focus on the movie. We were watching the scene where Jack was teaching Rose how to spit. Roger giggled, I would've laughed with him but, I couldn't. I couldn't. Running from the cop, him singing to me, all of it was stuck in my head and I just couldn't. My eyes begun tearing up.
"Ella, are you okay?" He asked
"Yeah." I squeaked
"Then why are you crying?" He questioned
"It's so sad Jack is going to die in the end." I tried
"What?" I asked
Roger took a deep breath.
"Go call him."
"Rog-" I began
"Save it, you're not upseting me. Go and call him." He said
I sensed that he wasn't too happy, but I didn't really care at this point.
I got up and dashed to my room fell at my knees where my phone was. I picked it up and breathlessly dialed his number.
"Hey, you reached Michael, unfortunetly I couldn't answer the phone. So call me later, and for the love of God, Please don't leave me a message." 
I hung up, and began to wonder what Roger told him. What did Roger say that ticked off Michael so bad? I wanted to go ask him, but, I was afraid Roger had anger issues, pushing him too far wouldn't be a good idea.
So instead, I went searching for my only friend at the moment, Mickey Mouse. I stepped outside, and scanned the park hoping and praying that Mickey was out here some where. But, I wouldn't have been too suprised if he wasn't. I mean, it was around four in the morning. I climbed down the stairs and walked around. It was unusually cold today, and I swear I could smell popcorn in the air.  
"Mickey?" I saw him sitting against the wall of a gift shop eating a bucket of popcorn.
"Mickey!" I yelled as I ran towards him.
"Hey, I need to talk to you buddy." I said
Mickey didnt' seem like he wanted to talk, his face was planted on the popcorn and he wouldn't even look at me.
"Mick, is everything ok?" I asked
He gave me a slow nodd.
"You sure?" I asked again.
He nodded a bit faster now.
"Well, Mickey, I made a huge mistake again. I feel like, my life, me and everything I've worked for is falling apart. I know, I sound like I'm being dramatic, but it's the truth. In the past few days, I've been through more action then I have in the past 4 years of highschool." I confessed
Mickey continued to eat the popcorn. He had to squeeze in his hand through his mask and eat.
"Mickey, you look uneasy, why don't you take off your mask?" I asked
He shook his head.
"Why not, is it a work policy or something?" I questioned


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