Best Contest_story_quote Quotes This Month

At my school there’s a rule that only one student can be out of class at a time with a hall pass, but today in math a bunch of people forgot their graphing calculators so my math teacher yelled, “EVERYBODY, GO. RUN. THEY CAN’T CATCHH ALL OF YOU.”

Once in high school my friend kicked her leg up and her shoe flew off and smashed into the ceiling with this huge BANG and the teacher whirled around and yelled WHO DID THAT?” and my friend just stared at her as the ceiling tile fell and shattered on the floor between them and the shoe thumped down on top of it and my friend just went that’s not my shoe” while standing there with one shoe on

Teens - wut es up! wut r u doing 2day? want 2 go & do sum stuff
Adults - What are you doing today? Want to hang out?

Teens - Hey! What you doing today? Want to hang out?
Adults - wut es up! wut r u doing 2day? want 2 go & do sum stuff

One time this boy in my math class ate an eraser it was last week i am seventeen years old the class was A.P. calculus

At  McDonalds  last  night  this  dude,
 gave me the wrong flavoured mcflurry, 
    so i threw it back at him and yelled   ,
"You McF/cked up. 

format credit to: Jade672


My mom talked in her sleep a lot when I was in high school. I could usually hold an entire conversation with her while she was sleeping. Once I heard her mumble, “I know everything.” I told her she didn’t know algebra, and she assured me she did. So I asked, “What’s a polynomial?” And with the authority of a thousand professors, she stated, “It’s when there’s no toy in your Happy Meal.

one night two parents went out for dinner a few hours later the baby sitter called and asked if she could cover up the clown statue in the kids room the dad told her to get out of the house and call the police and that they didnt have a clown statue when the police got there it turned out they did have a clown statue and the dad had alzheimers  
Format chickittylover

Facebook would b. .
way cooler if it was on t.v, "in other news joes 
girlfriend is a cold heartless b/tch.
 details at eleven . . . .

Old people are either super nice
or the meanest people on earth 
there is no inbetween. 


The most effective way to torture young people is to make them watch old people use a computer.

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