Best Cuteboy Quotes This Week

Me: A cute boy just told me I looked nice today. We are getting married.
Friend: ...
Me: UPDATE: He doesn't like hockey. We are getting a divorce.
Friend: That is the most Canadian reasons for a divorce I have ever seen.

You are that "nothing" I say when
they ask me what's wrong...

Today my friend Katie and I hung out after school and she took me to a gas station for her to buy cigarettes. So I waited in the passenger seat of her car when a super cute guy (who was probably 25) came out of the store and I was very openly staring at him and he got into his car which was diagonal from Katie's and we locked eyes so I smiled and waved and he waved back and started blushing and smiling to himself as he buckled and drove off and I hope I just boosted his confidence level a decent amount because damn that boy was fine.

Okay y'all I am in need of some major help..
I've been crushing on this really cute guy like all year and he called me pretty but at the time he had a girlfriend, but now they're broken up and recently he messaged me and asked for my number and at first I was kinda in shock but I gave it to him..well it's been like 3 days and he hasn't texted me or messaged me back.  My sister is friends with his cousin and she said that he's really shy but so am I so should I just message him first or wait till he messages me, which could be a long time. 
My day gets a million
times better when I
get a text from h i m .
me: *sees cute boy*
me: *makes strange nasal sound*

Me at a school debate:

omg he's soo cute
Me: What the heck is he doing in debate club?
Me: I should talk to him
Me: We shook hands at the last debate
Me: We're soulmates
Me: He obviously feels the same way
Me: What should I say?
Me: I probably won't ever se you again, so it won't make a difference
Me: But I think you're really cute
Me: ..............
Me: Genius!
Me: *walks near boy*
Boy: *Looks at me*
Me: He wasn't that cute.....

I was at my cousins game & a cute boy said hi to me. I blushed & walked away without saying hi back. Guys, I need help.
sorry not been on in a while, 
please follow 
tumblr boy, tumblr girl, follow back, funny&relatable quotes

(the guys cute) 
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