Favauthor Quotes

“It is a cruel, ironical art, photography.

The dragging of captured moments into the future;

Moments that should have been allowed to be evaporate into the past;

hould exist only in memories,

Glimpsed through the fog of events that came after.

Photographs force us to see people

Before their future weighed them down....”

~ Kate Morton, The Shifting Fog 

And then he was kissing her,

and she was struck by his nearness,

his solidity, his smell.

It was of the garden and the earth and the sun.

When Cassandra opened her eyes,

she realized she was crying.

She wasn't sad, though,

these were the tears of being found,

of having come home after a long time away.”

~ Kate Morton, The Forgotten Garden

A true friend is a light in the dark.

~ Kate Morton, The Secret Keeper

They say everyone needs something to love.

~ Kate Morton, The Distant Hours 

Happiness in life is not a given, it must be seized.

~ Kate Morton, The Distant Hours

...when you love someone

youll do just about anything to keep them.

~ Kate Morton, The Distant Hours 

...She's understood the power of stories.

Their magical ability to refill

the wounded part of people.

~ Kate Morton, The Forgotten Garden

“I don’t have many friends, not the living, breathing sort at any rate.

And I don’t mean that in a sad and lonely way;

I’m just not the type of person who accumulates friends or enjoys crowds.

I’m good with words, but not spoken kind;

I’ve often thought what a marvelous thing it would be if I could only conduct relationships on paper.

And I suppose, in a sense, that’s what I do, for I’ve hundreds of the other sort,

the friends contained within bindings, pages after glorious pages of ink,

stories that unfold the same way every time but never lose their joy,

that take me by the hand and lead me through doorways into worlds of great terror and rapturous delight.

Exciting, worthy, reliable companions - full of wise counsel, some of them -

but sadly ill-equipped to offer the use of a spare bedroom for a month or two.”

~ Kate Morton, The Distant Hours 

So much in life came down to timing.

~ Kate Morton, The Forgotten Garden

Always remember, with a strong enough will,

even the weak can wield great power.

~ Kate Morton, The Forgotten Garden
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