Best Given Quotes This Week

Maybe one day I'll be what you need, but don't wait too long becasue the day you want me, maybe the day I've finally given up...
So don't fall in love, there's just too much to lose.

If given the choice, then I'm begging you choose,

to walk away, walk away, don't let it get you.

To whom much is given

much is expected

I think back,
to that day
where I said
I cant live without you
its like life
without breathing
and then there you are
and in an instant,
you are gone
and I breathe
but I no longer
want to.
Trust is not given
It is earned
Why do you have to be mean to me?

've been holding my breath to long.

st shows No one can be trusted anymore.

I FEEL as if I've been drowning in the water

in the wat
ers of my own lost soul

ASK me how I fe
el right now I won't lie to you 

I feel like cr/\p because everyone treats me like cr/\
LIE to me
like everyone does go ahead 

Tell me i
t's okay when it's not.It'll neve
r get better 

Cause All I Just Wanted A Friend

But it's too late,I've already given up
Well , Mentally you want to give up , But Physically you Can't ..... ) :

I give out so many chances to people,
Almost like if I didn't, I'd stop breathing.

So, why do I get left behind?
I would say that isn't fair,
But I guess that is not my call.

Thank you.
Doesn't break me any more than I already am, at all.
Much appreciated.

{ "Everyone tells you what to do and what’s good for you. They don’t want you to find your own answers. They want you to believe theirs." }

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