Best Givesmehope Quotes This Year

Its kind of ironic how the people we think of as the world's greatest writers were shunned by their society.

It kind of gives me hope one day I'll be known for something.
So today in Algebra...

The teacher was calling out our grades.
"Cecilia... 100."
This one guy a few rows behind me yelled out 
I don't think he understood what that meant to me.... I mean we aren't even friends or anything, he's in two of my classes but we never talk. no matter how many times I'm awkward or weird he always has something nice to say. Right then he gave me so much support, and he doesn't even realize it.

People like him give me hope.

Guys, the most amazing thing happened to me yesterday, I was at my uncle's place and I got this phone call from my grand mom's( on my mom's side) brother. Anyway, he told me that his son and his wife had a daughter (my great uncle's first grand daughter) and they decided to name her after me! They had come to visit our side of the family and they had a five minute conversation with me, apparently I impressed them and they thought that I was a smart, pretty and fiercely independent girl and decided that of they had a daughter, they would name her after me.
This proves that we dont see ourselves the way other people do, we're way too critical. If I can do that, so can you, in fact, anyone can.

In 8th grade

I had this Science teacher. 
People didn't like him because he wasn't relateable and alays acted cold and without feeling. That year, I was struggling with depression and anxiety.
One day I felt an anxiety attack coming on, so I asked him if I could go to the Guidance Counselor's office to get a hold of myself.
He brought me out in the hallway, hugged me, and told me everything would be all right.
                                                                        -Mr.L, you gave me hope.


At my eighth grade graduation it was a kid in a wheelchair's turn to go across the stage. We were not supposed to applaud until the end, we were in the middle of the alphabet. When he got his diploma the entire eighth grade class (about 240 kids) , along with everyone's families (almost 1000 people), gave this kid a standing ovation. People didn't even clap at the end as hard as they did for him. I can honestly say that that was the most inpirational thing i have ever witnessed.
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