Best Illbefamouseoneday Quotes This Month

My brother just walked in with a plate full of pancakes and said" wowo this is a lot of pancakes," and then said "but im a whole lot of man" xD i love him
Teacher: Why are you talking during my lesson?

Me: Why are you teaching during my conversation?

                     arent as recyclable as paper

so dont throw mine away

Why is Monday so far from Friday but,
Friday so close to Monday??
Teacher: Did I give out Homework yesterday?
Class : NO!
Teacher's Pet : Yess you did, dont you remember?
Class: * Death Stare*

Every girl's dream is to wake up 3 am to a phone call from her boyfriend and hear him say, "Hey i just wanted to tell you, I LOVE YOU Ayee i got some ice-cream and cookies open the door "
If another girl steals your man, the best revenge is to let her keep him

a real man cant be stolen :)

Dont like me? Cool, i didnt wake up every day to impress you.
Not to spoil the ending,
but everything will be

O.k.  i promise <3

Dont worry, those who talk about you behind you back,

are behind you for a reason.


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