Best Isolation Quotes This Week

School just aint my thing. When im at school, I feel soo shy and isolated. I just want to be myself.
How do I get rid of these nightmares?

Just once i would like to be someone's first choice 

My heart is left out in the cold too often, I've been abandoned too many times. I'm going to lock away my love, before it drives me to the barrel of a gun.

Isolation is not safety, 
it is death.

If no one knows you're alive,
you aren't.

If a tree falls in the forest,
and no one is around to hear it,
it does make a sound;
but then that sound is gone.

I'm not saying you'll find the meaning of life
in other people.

I'm saying that other people are the life to which you provide the meaning of.
-Neil Hilborn

Why do I feel so far distant from the world...
The feeling of total isolation,
of being stuck in the corner,
of not having enough room to breath, 
of feeling the corners cave in on you. 
I feel so alone,
I feel stuck in this room,
I've lost trust in so many people,well everyone but you.
I've lost all of my friends I've pushed them away for you,
But now i'm feeling empty,
And all the attention is for you.
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