Best Justfeelgoodaboutyourselfnomatterwhat Quotes This Month

"Everyone is beautiful," needs to stop being the posterchild of abused phrases.

Everywhere you go, no matter what the subject matter is, or the derogatory comment said is, the responses will always be, "Don't worry, you're beautiful." "You're not fat, you're beautiful." "You're not (blank), you're (blank — usually synonymous with beautiful.)"

Can you be both? Yeah!!! (Fat is not a bad thing. It's not the worst thing you can be. Don't treat it like that.) Can you prefer to strive to feel beautiful? Absolutely. The issue is that this becomes the go-to answer for everything.

This phrase is being thrown around like everyone is a charity and beauty points will feed the hungry and clothe the poor.

News flash: they don't.

People need to realize that 'beautiful' is not the best thing you can ever amount to and that they need to stop lying to others and themselves.

Self confidence is amazing. Being able to look in the mirror and say, "I'm beautiful," is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

But, it isn't your safety net. It's okay to strive for more. This one phrase, repeated over and over by friends and loved ones will not shelter you forever. Find more in the apple core that is your life.
I don't see what's hard to understand about that.

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