Best Justice4jahar Quotes This Week

Dear America,
Your 9/11 is our 24/7.

Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia, Chechnya.
Dear Tamerlan,

You are a good man. You loved your family very much. You were very talented, and I admire you. I wish I knew more about you, but I do know in my heart that you are watching over your little brother and I know in my heart that you are helping him stay strong and carry on. You did not deserve to die. I will fight for your little brother forever for you Tam, because I know you want him to be happy again. I will fight for you. Even though it may seem that people have forgotten about you and that they only fight for Jahar, that is far from the truth. I pray for you every night, I pray that you are in a better place, a place far better than this cruel earth. I know you are. I love you Tamerlan, love you like a brother even though I have never met you. I miss you like we were very close. I keep you and your family in my thoughts.

RIP Tamerlan <3






If you want to learn about Islam, read the Quran. Allah did not send his teachings to CNN or Fox News.
"We live in a culture where people are more offended by swear words and middle fingers than they are by famine, warfare, and the destruction of our enviroment."
This is about the Boston Marathon Bombing. This is about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, A.K.A. "Jahar". Open your eyes! Look beyond the evidence we are spoon-fed! Journey on your own quest for truth!

"The younger brother was captured on a

camera at a 7-11 store they attempted to

- The Washington Times, 4/19

"An invenstigation determined that the

robery at the 7-Eleven was unrelated"

- CNN, 4/19



Agree? Repost this quote, and seek the truth!
Here is a perfect example of how hateful our world is and how messed up the things our youth is being taught are.

~*True Story*~

The other day I was taking a walk with some family. I was wearing a tanktop and a loose t-shirt over the tank top. It's really hot where I live right now, and so I took the top shirt off. While I was taking it off I kind of wrapped it around my head covering my hair so I could stop to check my phone really fast (yes I did have to check my phone before I finished taking my shirt off, haha). My little cousin walked up to me and said: "Are you trying to be a terrorist?"

He assumed that I was trying to impersonate a terrorist just because I had something covering my head and my hair. Sort of like what some Muslim women can be seen wearing.

I want to say right now that I love Muslims, I love the Islamic religion. Matter of fact, I believe I am going to convert to this religion. I was so horrified at what he said to me. I was mad at him at first, but then I realized something.

Maybe it wasn't his fault that he associated the fact that my head was covered with being a terrorist. After all, the media makes people who wear headscarves look like terrorists, even though they are absolutely not. And then the people of our world take in the information they learn from the media, and they become very hateful towards those people the media calls bad. And then the people of our world pass that hate down to their children, so on, so on.

I am determinded not to become part of that hateful cycle.
I am not a part of that system.
I am not conditioned by the media.
Why can't people understand that Jahar supporters are not hateful people? If anything, we are some of the least hateful people. Not saying non-supporters are hateful though =)

We also do not hate our troops. I come from a family of American soldiers, and my father's best friend is a purple heart (wounded in battle).
We do not hate the victims.
We are not terrorist sympathizers.
We are not terrorist lovers/supporters.
We do not support Osama Bin Laden -_-
We are not all fangirls.
We do not support Jahar because he is "hot".

Get that through your thick skull. 

#Justice4Jahar =)
I am so sorry for my absence!

I would like everyone to know that I have emailed Zubeidat (the

mother of Jahar) and I have talked to her. She is an amazing woman,

that is for sure. Beautiful too. I would give you guys the email, but I

am not giving it to anyone except people who I know are supporters,

because I don't want her to recieve hate mail. She doesn't need that.

Inshaallah Zubeidat will be able to see her little boy soon!

Oh, look at that.
It's been confirmed that Ibragim Todashev was unarmed.
Honestly, I'm not surprised.

He was shot multiple times in the head and back.
That's not self-defense.
That's assassination.

But of course it's not murder...
when an FBI agent does it. -.-
The brothers’ attack killed three people and injured more than 260.’

the media has forgotten about
innocence until proven guilty
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