Best Laughoutloud Quotes Today

Kid: Mommy, what's in your stomach?
Mom: Your baby sister!
Kid: do you love her?
Mom:  very much!
Kid: Then why did you eat her?!

omgg. This is so freaking cute c;
Dear Edward Cullen,
You stay young forever &
sneak into the rooms of young girls?
How original..
Sincerely, Peter Pan.


I just wanted to say...

I love all of you guys to the moon and more!
I think you guys are great and amazing and I hope your day has been just as great as I believe you are. 
If it hasn't, keep your chin up and push through! I hope tomorrow will definitely be a lot better.
If you ever feel like you want to speak to someone, I do not really have good advice but I am always here for you!
Have a nice evening/day/morning ! :) 


Teacher: Why didn't you do your homework?

Me: I decided to have a social life.

format by fake_a_smile
Dad: Son, I'm going to arrange you to a marriage
Son: No
Dad: It's going to be Bill Gates' daughter
Son: Then ok
Dad goes to Bill Gates
Dad: Let my son marry your daughter
Bill Gates: No
Dad: My son is the CEO of the World Bank
Bill Gates: Then ok.
Dad goes to the President of the World Bank
Dad: Appoint my son as the CEO of your bank
President: No!
Dad: He is the son-in-law of Bill Gates
President: Then ok!

yes, i am double jointed.
*smokes two joints at once*

weight should be like virginity.
once you lose it you can never get it back.
OMG! Can I tell you something! I... have the Littlest Pet Shop.. theme song ON MY PHONE!!

i was never jealous of barbies
body. i was jealous of all the sht she had and that fcking mansion and her pimp car and her hot boyfriend
I didn't fall.....The floor just needed a hug(:
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