Best Lily Quotes Today

“I miss everything. I miss talking to her, hearing about her day. I miss her voice all gravelly and smoky, I miss hearing her laugh, I miss getting her letters, writing her letters. I miss her eyes, and the smell of her hair, and the way her breath tasted. I f.ucking miss everything. I miss knowing she was around, because it helped me to know that she was around, someone like her existed. I guess most of all, I miss knowing I would see her again. I always thought I’d see her again.”
— James Frey (My Friend Leonard)

The life of a Potterhead:

Family: Hey do you want to watch Harry Potter?
Me: Always
Drive-thru: Do you want fries with that?
Me: Always
Friend: You want a cookie?
Me: Always
Mom: Did you take the garbage out?
Me: Always
Patrick: Is mayonnaise an instrument?
Me: Always
Other Potterheads: Snape your favourite character?
Me: Always
General socitey: You still like Harry Potter?
Me: Always


nah jokes its lily

Oh stop, the comments on
my profile are making me
tear up.

Quick! To the pensieve


You're not a size six, and you're not good looking
Well, you better be rich, or be real good at cooking
You should probably lose some weight
'Cause we can't see your bones
You should probably fix your face or you'll end up on your own 



= Life

Format by Breeze
Once in a blue moon a casting director
finds the most perfectly
compatible actors to play as friends in
a tv show and one of these
miracles were the cast of
How I Met Your Mother

just god bless

The feels of this scene doe

Inequality promises that it's here to stay,
Always trust the injustice because it's not going away .
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