Mybestfriend Quotes

Your birthday brings back memories of laughter and of tears,
Of all the celebrations held throughout your precious years.
As you're now watching over me, I hope that you can see,
how much those memories we made, will always mean to me.
I'll always cherish times we had and smile just at the thought,
I hope you know the magnitude of joy your life here brought.
On holidays and birthdays, it's so hard to be apart,
Like every day that falls between, your memory fills my heart.
You're with me now where ever I go, you're part of all I do,
I'll celebtrate your special day and the gift of knowing you.  

No words will ever amount to how much I miss you.
I love you more than I ever had the chance to explain.
Rest in Heaven, Shayla Story.

Last night he called
me at around midnight. I didnt answer because I was too nervous
I texted him and said "did you call me by accident?" he texted me 
back and said "no, I wanted to know how you were doing". I called
him and we talked, he continued to tell me how lonely and depressed
he was, even with her (he left me for her). He told me she would kill
him if she knew he was talking to me, so I asked him why he was
talking to me and he said "because you're always so nice to me"
I reeasured him that even after all the sh*t he's done to me, that
I'll always be here if he needs me. He said "I'll always love you too"
I said "thats not what I said though.." he said "it's the same thing"


Happy 18th Birthday Lyric

Throughout these 18 years that you have been alive, you have touched many people with your kind heart, your intelligent mind,
and your brilliant personality. You have made countless numbers of people smile, and you have given many people a friend when they needed one the
most. Throughout these 18 years you have grown into a fine young man, so polite and selfless. You help so many people through their darkest of times,
but now, it is your day.  Today is all about you Lyric.  Today is the day for all of us to celebrate the day you were brought into our world,
it is a day to celebrate the birth of such a wonderful addition to this world.
Thank your for being my best friend, and I hope my little surprise makes you smile. (Check your profile comments for your surprise.)
I love you my handsome munchkin, thank you for being my best friend through thick and thin, enjoy your evening♥

I used to think that if I were to go on with life, I was forgetting you. I used to think that if I were to smile and laugh, as time went on, I was forgetting you. I used to think you would feel that I should miss you more but now I know that there is never a day where I do not think of you. You know that I will always love and miss you. Tears do not have to represent how much you mean to me. As you know within my aching heart, you mean so much to me. That I would rather honor your life existence than mourn so much for your passing.
I love and miss you every minute of the day and night, even in my dreams I miss you. Rest In Heaven my best friend who is now my beautiful guardian Angel, Shayla Rose Story.
It's like somebody turned on the light
It's like somebody started a fire, and I
eel so alive... Finally I've realized that
don't have to tell myself twice, I know
That you changed my whole life and if
I know there's one thing that's the truth
I know I'd be lost if I lost you
Day 5- The thing I most fear I don't really have fear of anything, but if I had to pick, I'd pick losing my the best friend that I'm so lucky to have. He's a one in a million kind of best friends and I couldn't ask and wouldn't ask for anyone better.

so there is this guy
I love him & he also happens to be my best friend
but   he   will   never  know   how   I    feel     about   him  ....

The Perfect Friend ©
By Shannen Wrass

Today I found a friend
Who knew everything I felt
She knew my every weakness
And the problems I have dealt.
She understood my wonders
And listened to my dreams,
She listened to how I felt about life and love
And knew what it all means.
Not once did she interrupt me
Or tell me I was wrong
She understood what I was going through
And promised she'd stay long.
I reached out to this friend,
To show her that I care
To pull her close and let her know
How much I need her there.
I went to hold her hand
To pull her a bit nearer
And I realized this perfect friend I found
Was nothing but a mirror

"I will try and tame that damn beast that likes to bring the worst out of me! I'm slaying my emotional dragons!" 
-Wise words of wisdom said by my Best Friend

she's the strongest girl, that I have ever spoken to. 
she goes through so much shizzle yet she still stays strong.
recently she's being breaking, and it's killing her.
she wants to end it, but I won't let her.
she's my best friend and she always will be,
she's perfection, and she is worth all the good in the world! 
she cuts, she harms herself, she gets bullied.
but she's so freakin' flawless, but she just doesn't see it
I want her to see just how amazing she is.
go ahead, and tell her how beautiful she is.

somy_A_F ​ <- her username.
now go ahead, and help me convince her that she is perfection.
she can get through this.

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