Best Partners Quotes Ever

I hate it when #16
Your teacher tells you to pick a partner and you look at your friend
but they already looking at someone else..

--Rules of a Lady--
When in a relationship, do not ever forget about your friends. 

When you have assigned partners in class and your teacher assigns your crush as your partner
"Most people make it difficult to understand with their lifestyle & stand especially to a helping hand if they don’t understand or they don’t want to understand as whom they should accept as their friend."

~Anuj Somany
You're a team.
Like Bert and Ernie
Superman and Clark Kent
Milli and Vanilli.
"Empathize with someone who has buddies none or just a few one, but sympathize with somebody who boasts to have allies in a ton or many one because he or she has then herculean task in hand to correctly weed out the negative people and rightly read in a positive person."
~Anuj Somany
My partner in crime ❤
"A credible way to unearth the bona fide facts is to make both the partners in conflict to undergo the reliable lie-detection tests,
instead of making conclusion by seeing who supports whom & how many."

~Anuj Somany

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