Best Shootingstar Quotes This Month

a shooting star is actually someone driving off rainbow road

Pro tip: Wish on a shooting star that you will die and then tell someone your wish so it won't come true. Now you are immortal.

If a fell for every time I thought

of you

believe me, girl

the sky would be


You and I, we're like DIAMONDS in the sky,
You're a s h o o t i n g  s t a r I see,
A vision of ecstasy,
When you hold me I'm alive,
We're like DIAMONDS in the sky ♥ 
Format by Breeze   Font format by Fruit99Punch

Dear eyelashes, wishbones, dandelions, pennies, shooting stars, 11:11, and birthday candles,

(roll mouse over this quote)

format by fake_a_smile
cherrybam <3
SQL <3
You aren't the sun and moon anymore. 
Instead, you changed into a shooting star, mesmerizing for a moment,
But then, you lost your magic. 
I never wish upon a shooting star ,I mean like how is a rapidly moving meteor burning up on entering the earth's atmosphere gonna make my wish come true?.....
please dont scroll past
this song will make your day, i promise
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