Best Souls Quotes This Year

In my culture,

we believe that when you die, 

your spirit has to climb a mountain,

carrying the souls of everyone

you’ve wronged in your lifetime.

Imagine the weight I will have to lift:

the monsters I created,

the people they killed. 

Can you see now why I fear death?

You want to hand me over,

there's no shame in that.

But you won't.

We all carry prisons with us.

Mine is my past.

Yours is your morality

My castle stands upon pillars of sand.
At what point do we lose our souls?
If we haven't already.
Format by Breeze

Lost souls rest here.

hen will people understand,
that words can
cut as sharply as any blade, and that those cuts leave scars upon our souls?







Format © dontsellyourselfshort
And then my soul reached for yours.

Souls do not have calenders or clocks,
nor do they understand the notion 
of time or distance. They only know
it feels right to be with one another.

Once upon a time....
There was a girl.
She saw visions of the future,
People who died.
She was never in any of them.
Once upon a time...
She could also see the past,
She saw her friends die all over again
In their previous lives.
Once upon a time...
People wondered why she was broken,
I mean she had EVERYTHING she needed.
Once upon a time....
She had to fight the voices in her head yelling at her,
Telling her that the blade could easily end the pain.
Once upon a time...
She held the blade,
But couldn't come close to her heart.
Slowly the blade came closer as the years passed....
Once upon a time....
She couldn't bring it to kill herself, 
Not yet.
She'd carried the pain alone. 
Once upon a time...
The pain was over filling
And silent words filled her head.
As the preacher man declare he was dead.
Once upon a time...
Her bloody body layed on the floor, 
Marks of devil, 
No more.
A letter that remained in her hand,
Resting on her heart.
Inside, saying
"The broken heart that the world had forgot"
Once upon a time...
She was dead,
No more.
Nobody cared enough to ever love her.
The walls she built.
She never wanted to make a single bruise on their souls.
So when she died,
She was left for the cold.
Tell me again, how our souls made love, somewhere in a midnight sky, long before our bodies ever did.

I know I smile, and they love it when I do,
they love me, more than I'll probably ever know
but the sad, painful truth is
they don't know jacksh#t
about what makes me cry myself to sleep ...

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