Best Summerschool Quotes Today


Friend: If I fail all my classes and go to summer school my mom would ground me for life.

Me: If I fail all my classes and go to summer school my mom would pack my stuff and kick me out of the house and leave me homeless.




I'm not that Asian.

I am willing to teach anyone:
• struggling in a subject
• who needs basic help
• who wants a headstart on their classes next year
• who thinks they will need help next year- let me know; I'll help you once school starts
• who wants/needs to learn anything

I am going into my sophmore year, and by the end of first tri I will have completed or almost completed these classes:
• Algebra 1 & 2
• Geometry
• Biology
• Chemistry
• Physics
• World Literature
• American Literature
• Art 1 (It's actually a hard class)
• American History

Comment on this quote or on my profile for more information or to sign up.
*You don't have to have actual lessons- if you just want a few chat sessions where I run over what you need to know, that's fine too.
**I will check responses at 4:00 EST.

In class today:
Teacher: Mike, can you give us a summary of the story?
Mike: ... so this guys neighbor was a little bit of an as.shole
Teacher: Come on, a little bit?
Mike:Ok he was an as.shole
Teacher: You can do better
Mike: Ok he was a complete as.shole
Mike: There's no other way to put it
roses in her eyes


I couldn't stop staring. I felt allured into her presense. I felt like she was a shower: I never wanted to get in, but when I do, I don't want to get out. She sat with her feet up on her chair, and her head on her knees. She never spoke in class, and she never made eye contact with me. Everyday she came to school, a different hairstyle, makeup look, or style. But today, July 17th, she came into the classroom with sweatpants, no makeup, hair in a bun, and slippers. She sat in her chair normally. I finally heard her voice for the first time. She raised her hand high, and the teacher answered.
"Yes, Noel?"
So that was her name. It fit her, I guess.
"My nose is bleeding."
It wasn't like I could see her nose bleeding. But somehow, I felt like she wasn't lying. The teacher nodded and waved his hand.
"Go to the nurse's office."
"I'm very dizzy. Can Markus accompany me?"
I think at that moment, my mind drew out to a blank. White fuzz. Did she just ask me to take her to the nurses office? I was so confused. Why her? She was so touch, couldn't she just do it herself? Lazy a/ss. Before I could construct an idea in my head, she was grabbing my arm and pulling me down the hall. I was too flustered to say anything; I think that if I did, it wouldn't sound like English at all. She stopped and turned around. Her face was flushed dark red.
"Y-you're coming to my house!"

Sitting in summer school-
*Me on pinterest*
Kaitlin comes and sits next to me, Im not paying attention, The next thing i knew she SNIFFED me. She is so weird!!! Oh well but you gotta love her!! :)
roses in her eyes


Summer 2013. The only year I had ever had to take summerschool. I hadn't planned on it. But my lazy ways and pathological lying got me caught up in it. So, im sitting in the first day of math summerschool. It lasts 4 hours. And luckily for me, there's barely any homework. Thank God too, because that's what got me put in here in the first place. Anyway, it was 7:45, 15 minutes before class started. I was the only one in class, mostly because my dad leaves for work at 7, and it takes 10 minutes to drive here and 25 minutes to drive to his work from my school.  Well, I was hoping that there would at least be one person in the class that was interesting. But as the students filed in, no one caught my eye. It was mostly delinquents and such. I sat in the back. Mostly because it was easier for me to focus because I was less nervous around the teacher. I looked up at the clock, 5 minutes before class started. The door opened and I turned to look over. A short girl wearing skinny jeans, a floral print blouse and a black leather jacket. The combanation seemed weird, but it complimented her pink hair. Which was long and curled. Somehow, I felt like it matched her personality. She looked around the room, then saw me. She stared into my eyes, and I felt a weird spark; I felt like the room had just filled with something dark and heavy; then she sat right in front of me.

Summer school stuff came in the mail today
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