Teenagelove Quotes

It's the way his hair curls up
at the ends right before he gets it's cut.
It's the way he looks at me with
 so much adoration and love.
It's the way his piercing eyes
enrapture my heart.
It's the thought of losing him that
tears me apart.

Teenage Love (:

It's waking up in the morning

just to see their face. It's staying up

until 11:11 so you can wish for them, even though

you know it's all fake. It's strealing his notebook in
class so he has to put his arms around you to

get it. It's purposely not taking your jacket to
school on a cold and rainy day just so he'll give

you his. itt's when you hear a happy love song on

the radioand think about him with every single

word. It's changing your routes to classes in

the hallway just so you can catch a glimpse of

hi, ducking in to english class. It's that time

when you spend and hour trying to find one
imperfection. And you just find...none. The

butterflies in your stomach you only get with him <3

Teenage Love:
Not brining your jacket to school on a cold, rainy day just so you can wear his.
Taking his notebook in class so he has to wrap his arms around you just to get it back.
Letting him wrap his arms around your waste and kiss you on the forehead.
Getting butterflies when he holds your hand.
Gettin angry and storming off to turn around and find him right there behind you with a hug.
Those big kisses under the 4th of July fireworks.

Yes, Teenage Love. Is. Perfect <3
When he lets you wear his jacket
hey guys! 
I just uploaded a new story on wattpad, 
if you guys wanna read it, it would mean the world to me, and if you did and have a wattpad account let me know, cause I will follow you on there and read your story!! :D

here's the little summary on it -

Meet Charley. She's your typical sixteen-year-old. She's in love with writing, singing, dancing and playing piano. One catch? She was recently diagnosed with cancer, and her friends are too afraid of her to be anywhere near her now. On a limb, she decides to write to a boy in California who is looking for a penpal. Come join Charley's story, as she goes through ups and downs and meets someone who may change her life forever.

Thanks in advance <33 :D
I Wanna Be Kissed Unexpectedly

I want to walk into school and have the guy I have a crush on randomly come over to me, wrap his arms around me and pull me into a kiss.

lol. jk, I just want food.
format credit: rec0ver

a stubborn
   and notes scribbled on coffee shop napkins;                  «
   TO THE TUNE OF a guitar.        ;
it's an up and down love
           a first love, a clumsy love- but it's love.


did you see me blush
when you held my hand
& didn't speak
& let me listen to indie
at 3 am in your car
resting my head on your window?
i never felt more normal
you're all cute and stuff
i hate that i'm giggling right now
feel special that you make me feel special


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