Whoknows Quotes

I don't even remember what it's like to not feel broken..

Smile today, tomorrow could be worse

I start drivers ed next week and I have to be up at 7 in the morning and excuse me while I go shoot myself in the foot.
30 day letter challenge (day 5):
Dear dreams,
I'm not sure if this is ambitions dreams or sleep dreams so let's go ahead an do both.
Ambitions: For my realalistic ones, I can see myself accomplish you (fall in love, get married, have a successful career, have kids, etc.) but for the ones that I know won't come true, mainly because I don't want to put myself out there and my myself known, I won't acomplish you, not unless someone forces me to acually try. But hey, maybe I'll be in college 5 years or so and I'll realize how much I hate what I'm doing, and that normal isn't for me, then I'll start making myself know, and hope to god that something good happens.

Sleep: Stop being so dark you stupid little shìts. I can't fùcking sleep.

What if I randomly just started telling people that my name is pronounced "Ha-lee-ah"?

love is love.


One thing that I don't understand
is how someone can remember some long, inspiration paragragh that they said and post it on witty.
Like... what?
I barely remember to wake up in the morning.

I've always had trouble in knowing whether a woman is pregnant, or if she's just a little fat. I mean, am I the only one that has asked a fat woman: "aaww when are you due?". And then feeling ashamed of yourself because the woman just got offended thanks to you. Now I have a fear of asking women if they're pregnant. 
Do you think prison guards use Proactive to prevent breakouts?

Me: Maybe if I die I won't have to do math anymore
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