
Status: A heart and soul that's been smashed to pieces, burned, and thrown away multiple times, but still manages to have enough strength to come ba
Joined: December 10, 2013
Last Seen: 9 years
Birthday: June 30
user id: 376046
Gender: M
I'm Chris.

I'm pretty much your gamer who actually likes to play the nice guy and do everything right in the game. And....may or may not want to experience it in real life. Currently right now, I'm on Skyrim exploring, the one thing I can't do in real life because it's illegal to raid ruins and stuff like that.

It'd be nice to have someone to talk to, so please, if ya need anything off your chest or just wanna talk in general, I'm always here :D  

Course, I only got a witty because of.....what was their names again?.......Erm.....Nevermind about that, it'll come back to me.

Anyways, yeah, I'm an adventurer who's taken more than one arrow to the knee and is still goin.

ArmagedonNinjaX's Favorite Quotes

So NASA says that a strange rock appeared in front of the rover after taking another picture. Best description that NASA, the huge science aerodynamics group involving space discoveries, was that it looked like A JELLY DONUT. Ladies and gentlemen, if you don't recall, JFK said "Ich bin ein berliner" which translates to....I'm a jelly donut. WHICH MEANS: JFK IS FROM MARS, AND THAT PEOPLE FROM BERLIN, MARS. Just as theory of the day :D 
*Fighting with nerf guns*
Friend: Dude....these are nerf guns. Aren't we a little too old for these?
Me: Ages 8 and up dude, that's us!
I heard life's pretty complicated being a sour person.
So according to other people, I must've become a real sweet guy :D
They say that beer and weed helps you rid of your problems. Not mine.
My alternative way is a journey through Skyrim and the rest of Tamriel,
the Mushroom Kingdom,
being on a battlefield,
saving the Polaris Galaxy,
defending ManCo.,
and trying to catch and collect all pokemon.
Truly, the key to ridding yourself of your life's problems, is to rid the problems of another.

This quote does not exist.
Words  do hurt, you know.
Love & FastFood have 1thing in common

You'll never get the same as they seem
Harry Potter fans: I wanna go to Hogwarts.
Narnia fans: I wanna go to Narnia.
Hunger Games fans: Nope I'm good.

Allergies are weird as heck. You can snap a humans leg in half and they can recover but if you eat this peanut u dead

***me impersonating JK Rolwing***
lets see.
last book.
well, dumbledore died already....
ey! why don't we kill dobby?
and lupin....
and fred.....
and lavender..
oh, voldermort's a bad guy... he's gotta die.
why don't we throw in snape and bellatrix along with that?.....
and while all these people are dieing....
why can't harry potter hit the sack for a couple of minutes?
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