
Joined: January 28, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 268617

Status: Visit my BFFs: mynameisbethy , DirtyUndies , Kittycat424 & Ayialove ♥


 No that picture up there isn't me. I just want to get that through your mind right now. That's my dog, "Kiki". So obviously, my name isn't Kiki either; it's Andrea. I am some age with some number at the end that I don't think really matters. I ♥ my friends, family, and pets. Even though my little brother drives me crazy all the time. I would love it if you followed me, that is, on witty, because otherwise it would just be weird. Ya, please don't follow me in real life. But do keep up with my quotes. :) and If you follow me, I will follow you. :) Thanks!!!!!! ♥ Lots of love, Andrea

Kiki24's Favorite Quotes

Voldemort is like a teenage girl.
He has a diary, a tiara, a special cup, a pet he adores
and an obsession with a famous boy.   


How to keep sea-bears away:
1. No playing the clarinet.
2. never wave your flashlight back and forth really fast. (Flashlights are their natural prey).
3. Don't stomp around (they take that as a challenge.)
4. Don't ever eat cheese. (cubed, sliced is fine)
5. Never wear a sombrero in a goofy fashion.
6. Or clown shoes.
7. Or a hoop skirt.
8. And never.
9. evER
10. EVER

To all the girls that say Gentlemen don't exist anymore:
They do exist but Gentlemen are attracted to Ladies.

Not sl*ts.
When people go underwater during movies, i like to hold my brath and see if i would survive in that situation. 

            - i died during "Finding Nemo"
I can already taste the chocolates I won't be receiving on valentine's day.
That awkward moment when:

Someone walks into your room
so you quickly open another tab on youtube or google because of that IMVU Ad

so there's this song we learnt in French like 2 years ago but it still makes me laugh....
it starts off with a really chill, slow beat and then this voice (idk if it's a guy or a girl :/ ) starts rapping:

ou est mon rat?
ooh la la la la
dans la salle de bains?
mais non!

and i started hysterically laughing when i looked up the translation because it literally translates to:

where is my rat?
ooh la la la la
in the bathroom?

and god the singer just sounds so distressed about where their rat is and they go around town and ask f/cking everyone where the rat is and god i just can't.


Beauty fades, good deeds are permanent.
This quote does not exist.

Am I thonlonwho...

Occasionally wakes up my pets when they're asleep just to check that they're not dead?