
Joined: February 20, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 276121

Unicornsarepurple's Favorite Quotes

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for every fave, ill go one day without cutting. ♥




Fave if you do one of these in the Bathroom :
1. Make faces in the mirror
2. Dance
3. Sing
4. Cry
5. Pick at your toenails
6. Forget why you went in there
Anyone else? Fav if you do


You don't have to read..

But if you do, I love you.

Mom got a call from the doctor.
They said that her blood cells are low.
They said that she could have ..


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& this is how I end a presentation; "soooo yeahhhhhhh"

Fave this for a name that looks good with yours!

Im bored so I promise ill do them all... if you really want me to remember right on my profile or on the quote!

3 weeks ago: temple run
2 weeks ago: cinnamon challenge
last week: yolo

this week: kony
now: Draw Something
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