
Joined: December 16, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 251399

destinyduncan15's Favorite Quotes

How do you make a guy Jealous..? 

Tell him that you like his best friend 


Dear parents, 
knocking while you
open the door
kinda defeats the purpose.
Sincerly, teenagers.



and telling 4 of them you're going to bed,just so you can spend the rest of the night texting the person ...

That you Like..'


Format Credit RunawayRachel

This quote does not exist.

Sometimes the person you fall for
isn't ready to catch you.


Gay marriage is legal in 6 states.

Having sexx with a horse is legal in 23.

Good going, America. 


There are plenty of fish in the sea
but I'm looking for my Nemo,
so I'll take Dory's advice
and just keep swimming.


It's Kind of Messed up isn't it?
 How all of the sudden someone wakes up and just decides never to talk to you again. No reason. No explanation. No words said. They just leave you hanging like you never meant crap to them. And what hurts the most?
  How they make it look so easy, like you never mattered to them in the first place

Have you ever typed
" I'm fine(: "
 while tears streamed down your face?
i know i have.