
Joined: September 20, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 125654
God, disney, hearts, love, life. Done.

disneylipstick's Favorite Quotes

a girl in my grade, Erin, was in a car on saturday, on a normal car ride,
when a branch fell and crushed the car she was traveling.
her parents, who were in the front of the car, sustained only minor injuries.

Erin , however is in the hospital.
for severe neck and head trauma.
she is listed as in critical condition.

today is her sixteenth birthday.
please, please, i would be so happy if you favorited. i dont care if it only gets one fave.
just to know someone else is sending their
prayers out ,

so Erin survives. ♥
im going to show this to her when she gets back from the hospital if  it gets a lot of faves. but just one will even do ♥

{i fixed some errors from before. article here: http://www.buffalonews.com/city/communities/clarence/article359759.ece}

Some girls were just born with glitter in their veins.



are you the boy
 that teaches me the definition of love?  

I wonder if he ever goes

on my facebook profile

just to check up on me

Format credit to: sillyslinky
This quote does not exist.
69% Of People
have a dirty mind.
This quote does not exist.

YOUR the reason why i get up in the morning smiling. Your the reason why i check my phone 24/7. Your  the reason why i feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. Your the reason i get butterflies whenever you hug or kiss me.Your the reason for my l i f e If i lost you its like half of my heart would be gone..</3

And the butterflies I got around you
have turned into
shivers & anxiety.
The smiles, and stolen glances
have turned into frowns & tears.
Feelings fade and people change,
I knew it was
too good to be true.


I wanna be that girl;
you shoot a basket for
you score a goal for,
you write a song for;
i wanna be the girl who,
makes you smile; ♥
makes you laugh...
makes your heart skip a beat
i just wanna be 
that girl;