
Status: when you catch fire I wouldn't piss to put you out
Joined: May 4, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 297405
Location: ponyville
Gender: F
Heyyyyy, I'm Giuliana and I'm in middle school,  I love cats, music, food, reading, being antisocial, and my computer. I play tennis and like to act (even though I am bad at both) I Hate writing, science, and people, in my spare time I lay on the floor and stroke my rug. My skills include procrastinating, not being productive, and winning imaginary arguments in the shower. My favorite bands are fall out boy, and panic! at the disco.  I love youtube my favorite YouTubers are Smosh, Jenna Marbles, David So, The Fine brothers, Albinwonderland, and Danisnotonfire.