
Joined: December 11, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 341769
Gender: F
Hey wittians, I'm Taylor, an anime loving, Cat stalking, Girl gaming, harry potter watching, person.
So basicly some might call me a nerd put i prefer To be called Taylor. I spend my time being lazy and volunteering at cat adoption centers. My favorite thing in the whole world is my family and sleep.
I have 2 cats and I love them. well thats all the stuff you need to know about me. Thanks for reading.

girl_cat's Favorite Quotes

This quote does not exist.
"for the love of cats, please follow the rules"
Oh please tell me, why must I be so good at procrastinating?
when someone is like: what did you have for dinner?
you can't remember
your like: i dont know
probably something edible

Maybe there's something you're afraid to

or someone you're afraid to 

or somewhere you're afraid to 

It's gonna hurt. It's gonna hurt because it matters.

John Green


That awesome moment when you write a love quote at  11:11 without even knowing it

Sorry The boyfriend you requested
is currently out of stock
we hope you can forgive us with this
free apoligy cat