
Joined: December 30, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 344051
Gender: F
Hello to whoever is currently stalking my profile, I'm prettyWITTYandbright (its from a song, my ego is definetly not that big) I love music, cheerleading, those few people I actual enjoy interacting with, and reading. Oh and Witty of course! I don't have a favorite genre of music but Katy Perry and The Zac Brown Band are my favorite artists. I love movies and history, but I don't like school, most of the time. So I guess that basically it!

prettyWITTYandbright's Favorite Quotes

i want the d...ouble cheeseburger please
You are Forever Alone!

See how forever alone you really are today.


You thought that was an actual ad didnt you?
According to physics you're not allowed to be
cool and hot. Try again.
stalking is when two people go for a walk and only one person knows about it.

God bless,
the 18 children and 7 adults who lost their lives
right. before. christmas.
The children, it just breaks my heart. Their familys have their present wrapped and ready for them to open not even a month away.
Those children, working so hard to be good for santa.
Are. Gone.

Rest in piece little angels, marry christmas.
I know you all don't care..
But this year, my daddy won't be spending Christmas in Iraq.. He'll be home with me!

This is for the 1kindergarteners
 »     who don't   getsetommorrow.

When Something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it stengthen you.
This quote does not exist.
January 1, 2012  2013
And you know all of you papers are gonna look like this on your first day back to school