
Joined: February 10, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 152360

Go to my new one- DustyRoxas !


supersceney's Favorite Quotes

T h a n k  Y o u . . .

To the girl who called me fat and ugly when I was little, for you taught me to

believe in myself and not what other people say.

To the boy that tried to hit me when I was 8 because you said I deserved it, for

you taught me how to defend myself.

To the girl who was a ridiculously fake friend, because you taught me to

appreciate the true ones.

Thank You,

Because all of you made me stronger.

Click the heart if you want to stand up against bullying and comment if you have a similar story. <3


this if
you think that
Dora the explorer
would be
great name
for a
condom brand

quote credit to flirgi1999


Am I the only one 
who has to go pee
right when you get in a good 
hiding spot?

not my format


My texting speed increases
A lot when I'm mad.
anyone else?(:

I    r  u  n    t  h  r  o  u  g  h    t  h  e    d  o  o  r,
c o l l a p s e         o n          m y         b e d
why am I letting this  get  to  my  head?
I used to be happy and have a true smile
things haven't been that way for a while.
I'm   s i c k   of this pain, I want it to end.
see this smile?  i t ' s   j u s t   p r e t e n d


your baby blue eyes are beautiful and you short sandy hair is gorgeous as welll. & HE is the perfect guy for me.  i lost my chance and it killed me to see you with her. then she moved to arizona and i got another chance. it seemed perfect but you never moved on. 

& now were bestfriends but we both know it can work out for us. we text each other all the time and we flirt alot, you even told me you liked me a while ago. im so stupid for not taking up this opportunity.

If i get more then 100 likes ill tell him the truth

The Last Thing I Want To Do Is Hurt You 0:)


But That's Still On The List >:)

This quote does not exist.
The awkward moment when Microsoft Word tries to tell you that you've spelt your name wrong.