
Joined: August 25, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 211852
Hello! This is my secret account here on Witty. It's for the quotes I cannot let certain people see, and it's also a support and advice account.
Do you want to know who is absolutly perfect and beautiful? Reread the second word of the previous sentence.
Hello beautiful.
Welcome to my advice and support account. Let me tell you about myself, if you will. I'm 14, location will remain unknown. I'll admit, I was a "cutter" as most people call it. I was judged and hated for it. I am here to make sure each and every one of you here on Witty feels BEAUTIFUL AND LOVED, because you all are. I will talk to you and listen about anything you need to vent about, or let off your chest. I know I needed someone when I had no one, and I want to make sure no one else has to feel that way. If you want to know my other Witty account, feel free to ask. I will even give you my Facebook account as long as it will help you. YOU ARE SO LOVED.
xoxo- toxic_love