
Joined: July 16, 2015
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 392212

 So, just another advice column page on Witty. However this means the world to us. My name is Kelsey. I just turned 20 and recently found my old witty accounts. Witty was my safe place throughout high school. I found comfort in helping others and having non-bias opinions help me back. So i recently decided to come back. I want to be able to help people or be there for anyone who may not have someone to confide in. 

I love to write and spend most of my days on the beach. I love anything covered in buffalo sauce and the idea of travel makes me want to get up and quit my life as I know it.

Basically a super ordinary girl trying to do extraordinary things

xo witty. 

Comments to twentysomethings

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Steve 8 years ago
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Welcome! Let me know if you need help. I made this site.
KaTi3Gx3 8 years ago
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You're so pretty ♥