
Joined: September 2, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 123633
Hey I am Kailey. I am 15. I'm not that great at writing bout my self so here it goes.... My favorite colors are orange and turquoise. I absolutely love converse!! I play soccer and do Irish step dancing and I am single ;) I'm pretty chill and random. I can sometimes be crazy and weird but that's what makes my life interesting :) I am obsessed with Pretty Little Liars and New Girl! I love Rihanna, Eminem and Nicki Minaj ummm.... I love music, my favorite songs are Lose Yourself by Eminem and Fly by Nicki Minaj ft. Rihanna. Im told I'm a good listener so if you just need someone to talk to you can come to me. I'm looking for a witty bestfriend. Well that's all I can think of, any questions just ask =D

layout credits to Sandrasaurus


i love converse!!!!











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xoxokailey's Favorite Quotes


                                                 me: i'll do it at 7PM
                                                 time: 7:02PM
                                                 me: oops too late gotta wait till 8 now

What to do before I die.

If asked which child is yours while standing by a playground at the park, reply with, "I haven't decided yet..."


Put blue Gatorade in a Windex bottle. Drink it in public.


Go to IKEA. Hide in wardrobe. When someone opens wardrobe yell "FOR NARNIA!!!!!!!!"  


Change iPod name to "Titanic." Download new songs. Be amused by the fact that the Titanic is syncing.


Put sign on door that reads "Dumble."  


Dress up in a chicken costume. Cross the street.


Change name to Frank. Start every sentence with "I'm going to be Frank..."


Steal friend's phone. Change your contact name to "Nature." Call friend.


Buy a turtle. Name it "The Speed of Light." Tell everyone that I can run faster than "The Speed of Light."


Go to Burger King and order a Big Mac. Insist on having it "your way."


Never say stop when the people at Olive Garden grate cheese over your meal.


Find out if woodchucks can chuck wood 


Buy angry birds stuffed animals. Walk around town throwing them at people.


Go into a bank wearing a ski mask. Complete a normal transaction. Leave as if nothing is wrong.


Find a bruised apple on the shelf. Give it a soft hug and whisper, "Who did this to you?"


Go trick-or-treating on April 1st


Find fat lady. Ask her to sing


ondayou'lfinyounemo,             <<<
you might get lost in the ocean along the way,
 but remember,  

format by Kalliefornia
Me: Can I use the bathroom?
Teacher: I don't know, can you?
Me: When I was using "can" I was using its secondary model form as a verbal modifier asking for permission, as opposed to expressing an ability. I thought since you were a teacher you'd know that. My bad. MAY I use the restroom?
Teacher: .......

Easy to remember: 42 P. Sherman Wallaby Way Sydney

Easy to remember: Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya Delaroso Ramirez

Hard to remember: Anything that will get me somewhere in life

police: anything you say can and will
be held against you.

me: the cute guy in my gym class.


There's plenty of fish in the sea.. ?
Yeah? Well 50% are girls,
30% are over 18,
and 15% are under 10,
which leaves 5% of the population.
2% of the remaining fish are taken,

and we haven't even gotten into the personalities
of the fish, what the fish looks like,
and what you two have in common.
After all of that narrowing down,
there is only one fish left in the sea.
That fish is your nemo, so
never let anyone dare to tell you that
there are plenty of fish in the sea.


I love the term "we're expecting" when talking about pregnancy, because it sounds like there's more than one outcome.

Yeah, we're expecting a baby.

But it could be a velociraptor.

face your problems,

don't facebook them.

not my quote (:




Anyone else Lie in bed 
making mental movies of perfect scenarios in life?