Quote Quote #5655629
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Bananabrains316 1 decade ago
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dont kill urself, ur not worthless and stupid, i promise, and i hope everything gets better, good luck! stsy strong xoxoxo
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Katie6472 1 decade ago
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<3 please don't. we all love you.
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LiveLifeLong 1 decade ago
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You are beautiful and you are worth more than all the money in the world, tonight you should go to sleep and tomorrow when you wake up talk to someone. It can be a friend and teacher a guidance counselor just someone you can get through all this I love you <3
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curaska 1 decade ago
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talk to me if u ever need someone to just listen
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completeinhim 1 decade ago
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A couple weeks ago I would have been in the same place, but I'm not anymore. Why? Because I realized something. What the heck is taking your own life going to? There will still be mean people in the world, and upsetting opinions will still be around. Nothing will change, except that your heart will stop. And who does that help? No one. If your life is that bad then GET. OUT. I don't mean to say you should end it, or run away. But "be the change you wish to see in the world." Do you get what I'm saying? Suicide isn't a solution. It's a problem.
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Fake_a_smile 1 decade ago
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Please don't kill yourself.
I'm here for you if you need to talk
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tatertotz7 1 decade ago
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things will get better and you dont want your last emmory to be of you being miserable. wait for things to turn around and youll see how great it is to live
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InOneMoment 1 decade ago
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I know what you can do... you can hang on. they're your family... eventually they'll come back around. You're gonna be just fine =)
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snapple2929 1 decade ago
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stay here with us. change your situation to make yourself happy. we can do this together <3
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Addybug 1 decade ago
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I know it's extremely selfish of me. I know this. I know there are some people out there fighting for their lives, and here I am just wishing mine was gone...I wish I could understand it.
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LoveMacLipstick 1 decade ago
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DON'T even consider it.. there's so much more to life.. & some kids arre fighting for their lives in hospital, yet you're deciding to just throw yours away like that? even if you're unhappy , just get away, run away, there's always hopeā™„
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GothicFairy 1 decade ago
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Please stay for me.. Talk to me..
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43 Wittians like this


posted January 1, 1970 at 12:00am UTC tagged with quote

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