Love Quote #6494443
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I hate when people call me skinny. I hate it. They tell me to

I hate when people call me skinny.
I hate it.
They tell me to 'Shut up' When I say I'm fat.
They tell me I'm a stick.
Well, I'm not.
I don't feel thin.
I don't feel pretty.
I feel totally and utterly gross.
I wish I was small.
I wish I was so small you could see almost all my bones.
I skip one or more meals almost every day just to feel like I've made progress.
Maybe one day, I'll finally feel pretty.
Maybe one day, I'll finally be skinny.



NyanCah 1 decade ago
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I totally understand. That's exactly how I feel. I get you, but darling eat, please you're beautiful, I know what you're thinking "Oh shes just saying that she's trying to be nice" I'm not just saying I've never seen someone "not good enough" and "ugly" on here, no you're all beautiful. Please stay healthy and eat. I know what you're feeling and going through. I skip a meal at school everyday and I did stop eating at one stage and other stuff but believe me you're beautiful. <3
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xXxForeverxYoursxXx 1 decade ago
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ok noey if ur so set on being "skinnier" your doing the wrong thing. You have to eat every meal a day but small healthier portions. Not eating makes you bigger bevause your stomach makes something that makes you get fatter. So point is eat
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marie1616 1 decade ago
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What really sucks about this, is that whether or not your are actually "Big" it shouldn't matter, we should feel all still feel beautiful. I'm sure the people who are telling you, you aren't actually mean it, they probably aren't doing it to annoy you. I can understand where you're coming from, I'm not skinny at all, at times it really has a negative affect on me, but I try and stay positive, but I have my days. Just try and eat.. I can't say that I know exactly what you're dealing with, but there are so many people who want you to eat and to be able to look at yourself the way they do, so just try?
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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I do the same exact thing!! sometimes i go weeks without eating and my boyfriend yelled at me once saying i would starve to death if i didnt stop. but whateve.
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foreverfascinatedxx 1 decade ago
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Guys, I'm not saying I'm skipping every meal, chill. I'm just saying I skip a few meals. I eat everyday. Just not all day everyday.I skip lunch and breakfast that's it. It doesn't matter.
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Kelsie15 1 decade ago
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I know what that feels like.. That's how I am.. But you should eat.. It'd make you feel better and honestly not eating wont make you skinny right away.. your body will go into survival mode and pretty much eat away at your muscles before eating away at your "fat" It's not healthy...
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JazzySnow 1 decade ago
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Someone out there does though. I thought I was completely screwed, and I should just die. I cried myself to sleep. I didn't eat. Then one boy in my math class saved me. He told me he liked my the first time he saw me, but fell in love the first time we spoke. I know this might seem crazy, but he people that care are those you'd least expect. Those who you care for, let them know, and surely they will care for you.
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JazzySnow 1 decade ago
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Stop. Eat a meal. Please. I'm going through the same thing. Just think. Your loved ones will pity you and your "friends" will abandon you. You'll feel lost and alone. You'll lose it all. Is that really what you want?
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foreverfascinatedxx 1 decade ago
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To me, no one gives a anyway so what's the point? It doesn't matter. I'm just trying to make myself happy.
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posted December 12, 2012 at 5:07pm UTC tagged with love

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