Quote Quote #6734092
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.joyriding.* 1 decade ago
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People don't remember physical pain. If after you skin your knee and it heals, you can't remember the pain. It disappears along with the mark. Whereas with emotional pain, you keep that experience locked inside you, and remembering it opens the box.
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Delicate* 1 decade ago
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Have I told you lately how brilliant you are?
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.joyriding.* 1 decade ago
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On a scale of brilliance, I am a mere foot to your mile.
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Delicate* 1 decade ago
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Nope, you're completely fantastic and amazing and your light is like the sun to a candle
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.joyriding.* 1 decade ago
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Is this a complimentary metaphor war?
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Delicate* 1 decade ago
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I believe it was.
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.joyriding.* 1 decade ago
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You know, technically, my dad is not Mr, he is Laird of Lochaber, which is just a scottish name for lord. He is Laird of Lochaber because he owns this but of land somewhere. (If you want a rough idea of how big the bit of land is, stretch your arms out. Yup, that's it.) So when he dies, my little brother gets the land and gets to be the Laird. I don't find it fair at all, I was born first, I should get it. So I have decided, when my dad dies, I am going to declare war on him. If you would care to form an alliance (America + Scotland), please let me no ASAP. Thanks!
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Delicate* 1 decade ago
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I am so forming this alliance with you. We shall fight for what is rightfully yours, and when we win I shall dub the Lady of the Land, and you shall be amazing and all on that land shall bow to thee!
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.joyriding.* 1 decade ago
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But what to do with the land when it is mine? My friend wanted me to build a massive on it.
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Delicate* 1 decade ago
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We shall take it, and make a lovely shrine on it for the fandoms.
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.joyriding.* 1 decade ago
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Or it could be a parking space for my TARDIS, you know how traffic is these days...
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Delicate* 1 decade ago
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It's bloody rubbish! I cannot find a single place without parking laws, and last week I got ticketed because it was an unregistered vehicle. Of course it's unregistered you daft ninnies, it's a 900 year old time machine. On the up-side, I did a satanic ritual and it sorted them right out.
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.joyriding.* 1 decade ago
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I really really want to watch supernatural but there's no where to watch it D: am I ready for that kind of commitment?
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Delicate* 1 decade ago
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You lot don't have netflix.
And I suppose that you're ready for the commitment.
I haven't really watched a lot lately.
Dang it.
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.joyriding.* 1 decade ago
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Wow wow wow back it up. (There's another phrase to add to the list of omfg never say that ever again ever) we have Netflix in Scotland but we in my house don't. Did you hear about the woolwoch killing? It's horrible
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Delicate* 1 decade ago
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Wait, you do? I can't remember who, but I was talking to someone from the U.K. and they said they didn't have Netflix... I think I mis-interperetted them. Oops... And aww, that's a pity. I'd give you the info for mine except it's technically through my cousins name (yay Christmas presents!) And yes, the killing is horrid! I have a friend who lives two minutes away from there so I heard it from him. Absolutely awful!
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16 Wittians like this


posted January 1, 1970 at 12:00am UTC tagged with quote

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