School Quote #6950062
all quotes · school · funny · life · true · kids ·

it's kind of sad at how many people I went to school with

it's kind of sad at how many
people I went to school with
are already basically settled
down. practically married
with kids or expecting. no one
moved away to school or just
to get out of this small 
county. like, d.amn. I've never
wanted to travel, and all I've
ever wanted was to just get
married and settle down as
soon as possible, but seriously
starting to re-think that just so
I'm not like every other f.ucking
idiot here. like, yo, I may have
been the only one that didn't
finish school, but at least I 
got to see somewhere other
than hicktown, amish country,
pennsylvania, I got to see the world
while you changed diapers.

It'd be funny though, being the

only person that never wanted
to travel, and the only one that
wanted to settle after high school.

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