Love Quote #7051787
all quotes · love · breakup · quote ·

for me, heartbreak wasn't crying alone in my room with blood

for me, heartbreak wasn't crying alone in my room with blood stained wrists. it wasn't eating icecream while listening to what used to be our songs. heartbreak was drinking 12 shots of vodka, trying to fill the hole that he left in me. it was crying like an idiot on the bus on the way to school, because the thought of seeing him made me sick to my stomach. heartbreak was not eating for days & not even telling my best friends. heartbreak was not staying in my room for days at a time. it was crying myself to sleep for months. Heartbreak was alot of things for me. but it wasn't beautiful or poetic. it was f*cking painful.

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posted August 3, 2015 at 11:01pm UTC tagged with love, breakup, quote