Best Aim Quotes Ever

I still miss my ex, but my aim is getting better.

Life is like a straight road;
You are on your way to your destination,
There is a huge traffic jam behind you,
People are always ready to overtake you but there's no turning back.

You have to keep going until you reach your destination.


I make it my aim to save as many people I can before the inevitable time comes where I fail to save myself.

When a bird is flying right above you
and you're positive it's aiming to poop right on your head
Don't waste my time
Hating is a crime
Be nice be kind
Otherwise you'll find
Your on kamas hit list
Face... Meet fist :)
And then you'll have wished
That fist had missed
Because it's got such a good aim
And you won't hate again ;)
They said that she had a good shot,
but her aim was too high.
She said "I'll make it work with what I've got,
I'm leaving a legacy when I die."
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