Best Beg Quotes This Month


The lights go out and I can't be saved. Tides that I tried to swim against have brought me down upon my knees. Oh I beg, I beg and plead.


You've been crying out for forever
But forever's come and gone
You keep begging for forgiveness
But you don't think you've done wrong

Update number 2:
Its been another 3 years since Ive logged in to Witty. It took me over an hour to guess my username.
I broke into tears reading my sad posts from 5-6 years ago.. posts about suicide, begging for love and most of all, never being good enough.

I am now 21, MARRIED and have a BABY, a seven month old son, as well as with two dogs.
So please, listen to me when I say,


I need name ideas for girls and boys.
omg please help.

i would jump, but i dont want to fall, because i know you won't catch me.
Begging for a random person to follow your account and begging them to fave all your quotes...Sounds familiar?
I want a nice guy to talk to;

Is that too much to ask?
Everyone else- yeah pretty much
Take the monster from inside me and make him leave.. please
Instagram: ijustneedlovee
Twitter: ijustneedlovee
Follow and I'll follow back? X
I hate to beg for attention
but she does
I just wanted you to be mine
but she's yours
i wish i can hug you tight
but she can

Why does she get everything i want..
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