Best Bros Quotes This Year

My boyfriend isn't allowed to watch 
animal planet

 he might see his ex girlfriend on there.

"Are you crying dude ?"
"Nah i just have swag in my eye bro."

Stolen from: WouldYouGoDownWithMe


A - Available? Single as a pringle
B - Birthday? October 5
C - Crushing on? No one
D - Drink you last had? Water
E - Easiest person to talk to? I guess my mom
F - Favorite song? Therapy- All Time Low
G - Gummy bears or gummy worms? GUMMY BEARS! STEVE! :D
H - Hometown? Chicago, IL
I - In love with? My wifey Robyn
J - Jealous of? My lil bro's innocence
K - Killed someone? No
L - Longest car ride? Dunno
M - Milkshake flavor? Vinalla
N - Number of siblings? 2 lil bros
O - One wish? That life didn't have to suck so bad...
P - Person you texted last? Robyn :3 on her b-day
Q - Question you are always asked? 'How's homework going?"
R - Reason to smile? Music, family
S - Song you last listened to? I'm Not Okay, I Promise- MCR cover by Patty Walters sooo goood *-*
T - Time you woke up? 10ish
U - Underwear color? Pink leapord print
V - Violent moment you had? I throw stuff if I'm Really angery so
W - Worst habit? Being lazy af
X - X-rays you had? A few on my stomach searching for one of those spacer thingys I swallowed during a dentist appoinment when I was maybe.. 6? & I got a full body scan for when I got hit by the car.
Y - Yoyos are? Cool if you know how to use them
Z - Zodiac sign? Libra and proud

Bro Tip #8:

Don't be so reserved.
She's not going to flirt with a brick wall all night.
"I manage a baseball team..."Oh, little

league?"No, Fanasty league.."

H-How's it goin',


Anyone else a nerd and know this?
I don't have a "bestfriend"

I have brothers and sisters
From other mothers and misters.
Feeling that everything might be getting better, then you realize all that is happening is that your loosing someone you care about , you can't get them back, and your going to loose them to other people, its going to happen. As bad as it is, its the truth its how I feel , and there is no going back, the best part of this chapter of my life has finished, I have to find a new path, a new way to move about life, I am loosing you, even if its not really how its happening it sure feels that way, adios, and now I have to find my way again.
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