Best Company Quotes Ever

If a drop of water falls in a lake;

its identity is over.
If it falls on the patel of a rose,
it shines like a pearl;
the drop is same but the company matters


Not ever girl wants to be in a relationship.

Some just want good company, a guy to vibe with, converse with& laugh with. Not in a rush. Start off simple, and let the rest find itself. Having someone to talk to and feeling comfortable around them is quite beautiful, and it's a good feeling.

I got my ticket for the long way 'round
Two bottle whiskey for the way
And I sure would like some sweet company
Oh, I'm leaving tomorrow, what do you say?

I'm going to NYC!!!
It's not about the place you're at, it's about the people you're with. Go anywhere in the world with the wrong people you will hate it. Have the right people with you and the place will light up.
Go to hevean for the cclimate 
go to helI for the company 

- mark twain
No boyfriend around?
It's all good, 
I gots me some music to keep me company

When you are playing mummy and baby with your baby cousin.
And the three year old always wants to be the mum.
"Efforts depend on individuals,

Results rely on mere conditions. "

~Anuj Somany
"When the task is simple, anyone can do it; but if difficult then employ for it someone who have multiple job experience as then he could visualise its solution from different angle because of his past exposure."
~Anuj Somany

I want to disappear into absolutely nothing I want no on to remember me like I was never here
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