Doll Quotes

Wow barbie you are actually un
popular , cmon you have to
buy your friends. 

When he calls me 'Doll' >>

Me: Barbie's perfect.
Boy: No she's not, how can she be perfect, she's a f*cking doll.

She's a doll,
you have to crack her
    porcelin skin to
see her HEART.

I don't get why people joke about killing others. What if that person was killed and you were the main suspect because you said that?
The joke's on you, doll.
i don't know why everyone bashes on barbie
its a doll obviously your extreamly insecure if your intimidated by a freaking doll.

just let that sink in

The Princess
The Leprechaun

Chapter: 14 

Niall's POV:

            The next morning I found myself on stage for a concert. Prepping for a show was always nerve raking, no matter how many times you do it. Someone is brushing stage makeup across your cheek as thousands of screams leak through the walls of the dressing room. I think I always get the most nervous out of all of the lads. I stood facing the mirrored wall, microphone gripped in one hand and my ear buds dangling on my shoulders. My skin glowed and my hair was styled, but it didn’t get rid of the butterflies.
            Tanned arms suddenly wrapped around me and I smiled at my reflection. Ariel’s face appeared on my shoulder, her smile bright and reassuring.
“You look hot.” She blurted and I laughed.
She pressed her lips to my neck, her nose brushing my warm skin.
“Knock em dead.”
I smiled, turning around so I could slip my arms around her.
            She yelped as Liam hip checked her out of the way so he could secure my ear buds.

Ariel’s POV:
I watched as the boys danced across the stage, and I think I fangirled almost as much as the crowd did. One of the stage hands next to me said into radio head set “Cue confetti.” I laughed as glittery pieces of paper rained down on the stage and crowd, making them go wild. The stage hand turned to look at me.
“The show is almost over. If you want you can head back to the dressing room and meet them back there.”
I nodded ands headed down the hall.
            I was sprawled on the large sofa texting when the door flung open, revealing a very sweaty Niall.
“Hey baby!” I said, jumping up to hug him.
He laughed, wrapping his arms around me. I pulled away to look at him, and only then did I noticed a dull red line running down his cheek. I touched it, my brow pulled together.
He touched the spot and said, "Oh, a fan made it on stage while we were performing and tried to kiss me and she needed to trim her nails….badly.”
I felt a hot sense of anger rush through me. Someone had hurt Niall. Whether it was an accident or not, I didn’t care.
            He laughed.
“Don’t look so mad. She got kicked out.”
I sighed happily, taking him back into my arms and pressing my lips to his. Louis walked in  and did a double take.
Zayn walked in with Liam thrown over his shoulder. I raised an eyebrow, but I have learned to just live with their weirdness.
            When we got back to the hotel, I put an ice pack over Niall’s scratch, my anger still boiling.
 “What did she look like?”
He laughed.
“I don’t even remember...”
I frowned, running my fingers over the dull red line that threatened to distrust Niall’s beautiful face.
“You should thank Liam; he’s the one who pulled her away.” Niall said, a smile playing on his lips.
Liam, who was in the kitchen called to me, "You’re welcome!”
I laughed, running up to kiss Liam’s cheek.
Author's Note:
Hope you guys like it! This story is dedicated to my doll xoangiexo!

The Princess
The Leprechaun

Chapter: 11 

When my eyes flickered open, all I saw was white. As my vision adjusted, I realized I was in a hospital room. I tried to sit up, but a sharp pain in my leg stopped me. I glanced down and groaned. My right foot was bandaged up. Great…
                As I looked around the room, my eyes finally fell on something that made my heart swell up. Niall was there, sitting in a chair next to my bed. He was bent over, his face hidden in his hands, elbows on his knee. I don’t even think he heard me wake up..

       “Niall?” My voice cracked and my throat burned.

His head snapped up. His eyes were rimmed with redness and tears, but he smiled as he saw me awake.

I swallowed before whispering, “What-..“

 I didn’t finish because Niall had thrown himself at me, his arms wrapping around my weak form, his hand buried in the crook of my neck.
“I thought I had lost you…” he wept, his fingers tangling in my hair.

Tears formed in my eyes as I gripped him back.

“Really? It’s going to take a heck of a lot more than that to get rid of me.”

He laughed and I found myself absolutely loving the sound.

                My foot was severely sprained, but it wasn’t broken. I sighed unhappily when I found out and Niall looked at me, his eyebrows raised.

“I can’t go swimming with you.”

He chuckled softly. “I think it will be a while before I even go back in the water.”

I thought back to my dream, where Niall was the one begin dragged under and I was fighting to save him. Now in reality, it was the other way around.

                The other guys stayed with me all during recovery. Niall stayed the longest and was there the earliest though. Whenever the nurses weren’t looking, Niall would climb into bed with me and hold me. He was careful with my injured leg, but he had always handled me with care. I would get miserable just sitting there, but once Niall’s body squeezed in next to mine on the mall cot, the misery all washed away. His warmth, his sexy scent, and his soft voice always made me feel like I was flying, hundreds of feet above the ground. Once in a while, he would fall asleep like that, with his head resting on mine. Not that I cared…not one bit.
Author's Note:
Hope you guys like it! This story is dedicated to my doll xoangiexo!

15+ faves and I will post another chapter tonight, if not one will be up tomorrow!


I love xoangiexo!
Me at 5 years old: I love my dolls!
Me at 14 years old: I hate dolls they
will murder me in my sleep!
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