Dylan Quotes

Dylan Miller can suck my a.ss

“Don't criticize what you can't understand.” 
― Bob Dylan

“Don't criticize what you can't understand.” 
you see sir, i didn't do my homework because dylan sprouse's nudes leaked.
Everywhere I go on the interweb, I see something about Dylan Sprouse and Im like WHAT HAPPEND??? I just looked it up on tumblr now... My childhood
I had this dream last night that my Ex came and confessed his love for me...

Obviously it's a dream, I'll end up alone with my cats.
Me and this guy became best friends.

We decided after about a year we should try and date.

I felt that I valued our friendship more, so we broke up.

I was pretty rude and ended it over a text. :(

He moved away.

I miss him more than anything else in this world.

Dylan come back!!!!
I put my heart out on the line.
And it gets broken every time.

People will kill you over time, and
how they’ll kill you is with tiny,
harmless phrases, like: ‘be realistic.’

- Dylan Moran


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