Best Goldfish Quotes This Week

When my mom was at a
meeting with a Kindergarten teacher, I was sitting by the fishtank and I saw a dead goldfish at the bottom of it and I was like: "Aww, poor fishy," and then I saw another goldfish swim down to the dead one and start eating it, ohmygod the fish is a cannibal.


you may think i'm a loser,

but to my goldfish, i'm the goddess of flakes.


The Snack That Smiles Back

Are you a Goldfish cracker?
Because you always make me smile, no matter what my mood.

Now my dear children, Sit. It is Radom Witty Story Time.
Here's How We Play:

I will say one word, and you guys get to continue the story
with your random words. Keep this story going so we can see 
how many wittians can find it and add on. You can end a sentence
and stat a new one but absolutely NO SAYING  THE END. If you
do, my lazer kittens will come for you, take your nutella, and slice you.
Okay? Great :)

My word: Goldfish......

...Your turn! :)
That awkward moment when your goldfish cracker doesn't smule
My quote.Do NOT Steal

All I did today
was dancing randomly
and staring at my
maybe that could exlain my grades..

Having a pet in the house is good. You can blame anything hat breaks on your pet. *BANG*
Mom- "What was that?!?!"
Me- "Oh that was the goldfish!!"

If you think that your school is insane, then you are wrong.

Today in Math, I sat in my chair and

watched a boy snort crushed up goldfish.

Last night I had dream about me getting hit by a Goldfish cracker truck and dying. It was quite a fabulous way to die.
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