Halestorm Quotes

What a shame. We grew up never believing that we were beautiful,
because no one ever told us that we were. We made friends who liked to complain about their stomachs, noses, and the size of their thighs. And we joined in because that's what you do, isn't it? And so, we never told ourselves, either.
In 8th grade, a boy we barely knew calls us fat. We will never know if he
was joking, or why. We were bullied about our long, messy hair. So we chop it all off. And we became invisible. It was years before we resurfaced, before we learned to do things just for the sake of ourselves.
Someone tells us we're beautiful, and now, we don't believe them. But, we
have new friends and they tell us, too. And then we hear it from a stranger. Mom apologizes for not telling us enough when we were younger. And slowly, we start to belive it. And now, we know.
We know that, despite everything we'd been told, being beautiful has
nothing to do with our worth. But, how unfortunate, we think, that we couldn't know we were beautiful until someone else told us that we were.

We were never even told it was an option.
I could fight this til the end
but maybe I don't want to win. 
format-br0kenwings LEAVE THIS HERE PLEASE.

                    I  DON'T MISS YOU   
I miss the misery.

© format coded by: br0kenwings
Please don't remove this!

∽ I don't have wings so flying with me won't be easy. Cuz I'm not an angel, I'm not an angel ∽
I don't wanna be saved
I don't wanna be sober
I w
ant you on my mind
my dreams, behind these eyes
nd I won't wake up
No, not this time
I breath you in again, just to feel you
Underneath my
skin, holding on to
The sweet escape
, is always laced with a
Familiar taste of poison

I t
ell myself, that you're no good for me
I wish you
well, but the desire never leaves
could fight this 'till the end
but maybe I don't wanna win
Here's to love. All the times that we've fu..c//k.ed up. Here's to you. Fill the glass. Cuz the last few days have kicked my a/$.s. Oh Let's give 'em hell. Wish everybody well. Here's to us. Here's to us. We stuck it out this far together Put our dreams through the shredder. Let's toast, cuz things got better. And everything could change like that. And all these years go by so fast, but Nothing lasts, forever. Here's to us. Here's to love. All the times that we've messed up. Here's to you. Fill the glass. Cuz the last few nights have kicked my a$$ss! If they give you hell, Tell them Go f!!.u..(c/k themselves. Here's to us. Here's to us.
"Here's To Us"
Here's to us
Here's to love
All the times, That we f/cked up
Here's to you
Fill the glass, Cause the last few days, Have kicked my a/ss
So lets give em h/ll, Wish everybody well
Here's to us
Here's to us
I don't miss you I miss the misery.
-I Miss the Misery
I've been a mess since you stayed
I've been a wreck since you changed
Don't let me get in your way
I miss the lies && pain
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