Iwishitwastrue Quotes

Hold onto me darling, take me into your arms and tell me everything's alright. I don't know how many more nights I can take sleeping alone without you by my side holding me and whispering soft words into my ears. I want to know what it's like to be safe with someone other than myself.

The light from your eyes on a rainy night was enough to send chills down my spine and love through my already love struck heart. I couldn't even begin to fathom the love that I had inside for you. I wanted to scream it everywhere, but that would be selfish and rude to do so. I wanted to savour every moment we had together and cherish it forever. I wanted to lay on my deathbed and tell myself and the others around me that I had lived a happy and full life with you. I wanted to hold your hand as I went peacefully, if I were to every suffer, I wanted you to end it abruptly. I don't want to die and excruciating long death. Let it be over with, quickly. Oh dear, hold me, love me, tell me your deepest, darkest secrets and I will forever hold them in my heart, never to be cracked by anyone but you. At the end of the day, I want to say that the starlight I saw in your eyes, was the thing that made me first fall for you.

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